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Thu 21 Mar 2024 18:30 - 19:20 at Portland Ballroom 252 - Flock 2k

This Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) session will offer LGBTQ+ researchers and practitioners at SIGCSE TS a space for networking, sharing experiences, and being in community together. Given the consistent marginalization of the LGBTQ+ community, this BOF aims to create a community at SIGCSE of professors, students, researchers, and practitioners with interest in computing education. The BOF will provide a space for people to decompress from the long conference day through playing board games and socializing. There is also space for attendees to discuss ways computing education and SIGCSE could be more inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community.

Thu 21 Mar

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18:30 - 19:20
Cultivating and Celebrating LGBTQ+ Community in Computing Education
Birds of a Feather
Joslenne Peña Macalester College, Megumi Kivuva University of Washington, Seattle, Mara Kirdani-Ryan University of Washington, Francisco Castro New York University, Amy Ko University of Washington