Birds of a FeatherSIGCSE TS 2024
A Birds of a Feather session (BOF) provides an environment for researchers and practitioners with similar interests to meet for informal discussions. Proposers of BOF sessions should serve as discussion leaders only. BOFs are not intended to be presentations. Each BOF should involve active participation for attendees and should be planned for a 50-minute session.
BoF proposals should include plans to facilitate active participation for attendees of diverse backgrounds. Proposers may find the following resources useful in identifying inclusive practices to include in the BOF activities:
- An inclusive meeting guide from Harvard University
- An article on facilitating effective discussions from the University of Waterloo
Authors submitting work to SIGCSE TS 2024 are responsible for complying with all applicable conference authorship policies and those articulated by ACM. If you have questions about any of these policies, please contact for clarification prior to submission.
New for 2024: BOF submissions now consist of responses to a series of prompts rather than a PDF submission.
New for 2024: ACM has made a commitment to collect ORCiD IDs from all published authors ( All authors on each submission must have an ORCiD ID ( in order to complete the submission process. Please make sure to get your ORCID ID in advance of submitting your work.
Presentation Modality
SIGCSE TS 2024 will only include in-person BOFs.
By SIGCSE policy, ALL authors of an accepted accepted BOF are required to register, attend, and present the work.
Thu 21 MarDisplayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Sourcing Projects for CS Capstones: Challenges and Strategies Birds of a Feather Fisayo Omojokun Georgia Institute of Technology, KellyAnn Fitzpatrick Georgia Institute of Technology |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Disability and Accessibility in Computer Science Education Birds of a Feather Richard Ladner University of Washington, Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Andreas Stefik University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA, Amy Ko University of Washington, Raja Kushalnagar Gallaudet University |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Humanitarian Open Source in the Classroom Birds of a Feather Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Heidi J.C. Ellis Western New England University, Darci Burdge Nassau Community College, Cam Macdonell MacEwan University |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Building Community for Graduate Students in CS Education Research Birds of a Feather Tamara Nelson-Fromm University of Michigan, Grace Barkhuff Georgia Institute of Technology, Jayne Everson University of Washington, Morgan Fong University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Elijah Rivera Brown University |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Platform or Foundational Concept? Approaches to Teaching Modern Web Development Birds of a Feather |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Creating university CS teacher preparation programs Birds of a Feather Michelle Friend University of Nebraska Omaha, Jennifer Rosato College of St. Scholastica, Nathan H. Bean Kansas State University, Russell Feldhausen Kansas State University, Joshua Weese Kansas State University |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Directing Undergraduate Studies: Sharing Practices and Problems Birds of a Feather Bill Siever Washington University in St. Louis |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Minority Service Institution Meet-UpMSI Birds of a Feather Jody Paul Metropolitan State University of Denver |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | BOF: Grading for Equity in Computer Science Courses Birds of a Feather David Largent Ball State University, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte, Christian Roberson Florida Southern College, Linda Wilson Texas Lutheran University, Adrienne Decker University at Buffalo, Stephen Edwards Virginia Tech |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Discussing the Changing Landscape of Generative AI in Computing EducationCC Birds of a Feather Stephen MacNeil Temple University, Juho Leinonen Aalto University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Natalie Kiesler DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Arto Hellas Aalto University, James Prather Abilene Christian University, Brett Becker University College Dublin, Michel Wermelinger The Open University, Karen Reid University of Toronto |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mTalk | Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes Birds of a Feather |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Computing as a University Graduation Requirement Birds of a Feather Zachary Dodds Harvey Mudd College, Yuan Garcia Mills High School, Vidushi Ojha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mark Guzdial University of Michigan, Tamara Nelson-Fromm University of Michigan, Valerie Barr Bard College, Stephanos Matsumoto Olin College of Engineering |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Equity and Inclusion Considerations in CS Education for Students Living with Mental Health and Medical Conditions Birds of a Feather Maya Israel University of Florida, Catherine Law Oregon State University, Christian Murphy Swarthmore College |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Experiences With Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Birds of a Feather Armando Fox UC Berkeley, Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Cinda Heeren University of British Columbia, Firas Moosvi University of British Columbia Okanagan, Mariana Silva University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | POGIL in Computer Science for Beginners and Experts Birds of a Feather Olga Glebova University of Connecticut, Helen Hu Westminster University, Kendra Walther University of Southern California |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | K-12 CS Teacher Education: What are we teaching and to whom? How do we know we are moving the needle? Birds of a Feather Charity Freeman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Todd Lash University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Can We Build an Excellent Undergraduate TA Program? Fostering Collaboration and Developing Best Practices Birds of a Feather Melinda McDaniel Georgia Institute of Technology, Fisayo Omojokun Georgia Institute of Technology, Mary Hudachek-Buswell Georgia Institute of Technology |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Topics for an Introductory Data Science Course Birds of a Feather |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | A Town Meeting: SIGCSE Committee on Expanding the Women-in-Computing Community Birds of a Feather |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Teaching Ethics In CS Programs - Questions, Models, Resources, AssessmentsCC Birds of a Feather Vance Ricks Northeastern University, Meica Magnani Northeastern University, Casey Fiesler University of Colorado Boulder, Grace Barkhuff Georgia Institute of Technology, Stacy Doore Colby College, Alexi Brooks University of Wisconsin-Stout, Michael Zimmer Marquette University |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Mentoring, AI, and the End of Affirmative Action: Connecting with SIGCSE Reads Birds of a Feather Nanette Veilleux Simmons University, Rebecca Bates Minnesota State University, Mankato, Judy Goldsmith University of Kentucky, Valerie Summet Rollins College |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Cultivating and Celebrating LGBTQ+ Community in Computing Education Birds of a Feather Joslenne Peña Macalester College, Megumi Kivuva University of Washington, Seattle, Mara Kirdani-Ryan University of Washington, Francisco Castro New York University, Amy Ko University of Washington |
Fri 22 MarDisplayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Integrating Computer Science in Elementary Education Birds of a Feather Lisa Garbrecht University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Stephanie N. Baker The University of Texas at Austin, Zhuoying Wang The University of Texas at Austin |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Engaging Rural Populations in Computer Science Birds of a Feather Nathan H. Bean Kansas State University, Russell Feldhausen Kansas State University, Joshua Weese Kansas State University, Michelle Friend University of Nebraska Omaha |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Connecting the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Western ChaptersK12 Birds of a Feather Lauren Bricker University of Washington, Randy Macdonald Corvallis High School, Sean Glantz CSTA/Bend Senior High School |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Finding Neurodivergent Community in Computing Education Birds of a Feather |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Community-based Service Learning: Best Practices in Software Projects with Community Partners Birds of a Feather Michael Goldweber Denison University, Stan Kurkovsky Central Connecticut State University, Chad Williams Central Connecticut State University, Nathan Sommer Xavier University |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Two-Year Program Conversations: Supporting a Diversity of Students, Articulation Pathways, and MoreCC Birds of a Feather William Kerney , Laura Malave St. Petersburg Community College, William Pulling Fanshawe College, Cara Tang Portland Community College |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Computing, Education, and Capitalism Birds of a Feather Amy Ko University of Washington, Francisco Castro New York University, Aakash Gautam University of Pittsburgh, Anne Drew Hu Michigan State University, Sara Kingsley Carnegie Mellon University, Michael Lachney Michigan State University, Aman Yadav Michigan State University |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | BOF: Hispanics in ComputingGlobalMSI Birds of a Feather Brianna Posadas Virginia Tech, Oscar Veliz Northeastern University, Patricia Ordóñez University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Primarily Undergraduate Institution Faculty Birds of a Feather Victoria Dean Olin College of Engineering, Lynn Kirabo Harvey Mudd College, Sophia Krause-Levy University of San Diego, Cynthia Taylor Oberlin College |
12:45 - 13:35 | |||
12:45 50mTalk | Teaching Track Faculty in Computer Science Birds of a Feather Laney Strange Northeastern University, Olga Glebova University of Connecticut, Melinda McDaniel Georgia Institute of Technology, Chris Gregg Stanford University |
Accepted Submissions
Deadlines and Submission
BOF submissions consist of answers to a series of prompts, including an abstract that introduces the topic, further analysis of the relevance of the topic, a consideration of the likely audience for the session, a description of the form and structure of the BoF, and an indication of the expertise of the session leaders.
BOF submissions to the SIGCSE TS 2024 must be made through EasyChair no later than Friday, 14 October 2023. The track chairs reserve the right to desk reject submissions that are incomplete after the deadline has passed.
Important Dates
Due Date | Friday, 13 October 2023 |
Due Time | 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h) |
Submission Limits | 2 pages |
Notification to Authors | Monday, 13 November 2023 tentative |
Submission Link | |
Session Duration | 50 minutes |
Instructions for Authors
Authors may find it useful to read the Instruction for Reviewers and the Review Form to understand how their submissions will be reviewed. Also note that when submitting, you will need to provide between 3-7 related topics from the Topics list under Info.
All BoF submissions for SIGCSE TS 2024 will be done using a form on EasyChair. In addition to providing answers to the standard information (e.g., authors, ACM policy confirmations, topic selections, keywords), authors are asked to respond to the following questions. For each section (except the abstract), you may include references inline.
Abstract: Please prepare an abstract of up to 250 words. This abstract will appear in the online program and in the conference proceedings. Abstracts should not contain subheadings or citations.
Significance and Relevance: Please include information about any trends in relation to the topic and possibly describe (or cite) evidence to that effect. Your objective here is to explain why the topic is significant. You should also justify how your BOF session will enhance future connections between attendees. This information can help your proposal to be selected if resources become an issue.
Expected (and Unexpected) Audience: Briefly describe the nature and size of the expected audience. Please explain how you will ensure that the BOF remains an inclusive space for all attendees, including attendees with different backgrounds or perspectives. If you expect a particularly large or small audience, please explain why. If you have a rough estimate of attendees based on previous years, please include it here to help assist with room scheduling.
Background and Expertise of Discussion Leader(s): Give a summary of the qualifications of the discussion leader(s) as it relates to the proposed BoF session.
Structure and Activities: Provide a brief description of the structure and activities planned for the BoF session. Proposals will be assessed on their potential to (1) facilitate active participation from attendees and (2) include attendees with diverse social identities and experiences.
We strongly recommend that you prepare this information in a separate document and then copy and paste into EasyChair. EasyChair has been known to time out.
SIGCSE TS 2024 authors are strongly encouraged to prepare their submissions in such a manner that the content is widely accessible to potential reviewers, track chairs, and readers. Please see these resources for preparing an accessible submission.
Single Anonymized Review
Submissions to the BOF track are reviewed with the single-anonymous review process. Submissions should include author names and affiliations. Thus, the author identities are known to reviewers, but reviewers are anonymous to each other and to the authors.
The reviewing process includes a discussion phase after initial reviews have been posted. During this time, the reviewers can examine all reviews and privately discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the work in an anonymous manner through EasyChair. This discussion information can be used by the track chairs in addition to the content of the review in making final acceptance decisions.
The SIGCSE TS 2024 review process does not have a rebuttal period for authors to respond to comments, and all acceptance decisions are final.
ACM Policies
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects ( Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
ACM has made a commitment to collect ORCiD IDs from all published authors ( All authors on each submission must have an ORCiD ID ( in order to complete the submission process. Please make sure to get your ORCID ID in advance of submitting your work.
Author Checklist
Additional details are in the instructions for authors.
- Make sure that all authors have obtained an ORCiD identifier. These identifiers are required for paper submission.
- Identify at least one author who is willing to review for the symposium. Have that author or those authors sign up to review at (If they’ve done so already, there is no need to fill out the form a second time.)
- Review the additional resources for the track.
- Review the instructions for reviewers and the review form to see what reviewers will be looking for in your submission.
- Look at the EasyChair submission page to make sure you’ll be prepared to fill everything out. Note that you are permitted to update your submission until the deadline, so it is fine to put draft information there as you get ready.
- Look at the list of topics in the Info menu on this site or on EasyChair and pick 3-7 appropriate topics for your submission.
- Prepare the longer responses in a separate document. (EasyChair is known to time out, so you will want to copy and paste into EasyChair.) These include
- The abstract
- A discussion of the significance and relevance of the topic
- A discussion of the expected audience and how you will ensure that the BoF is appropriately inclusive
- A discussion of the background and expertise of the discussion leader(s)
- A discussion of the structure and activities in the BoF
- Submit your answers on EasyChair by 11:59 p.m. AoE, Friday, 13 October 2023.
Post-Acceptance and Presentation Information
What Gets Published?
The full text of accepted BOF submissions will not appear in the ACM digital library. Only the title, author metadata, and the 250-word abstract will be included in the official conference proceedings.
Presentation Details
SIGCSE TS 2024 will only include in-person BOFs.
By SIGCSE policy, ALL authors of an accepted BOFs are required to register, attend, and present the work.
Room Layout Details
- All Meeting Rooms have rows of tables in the front and rows of chairs in the back with around 100 to 200 total seats per room.
- Oregon Ballroom 203, 204 have roundtables in front and rows of chairs in the back with around 400 total seats per room.
- Portland Ballroom 251, 252 have roundtables in front and rows of chairs in the back with around 300 total seats per room.
IMPORTANT: Any furniture that is rearranged for a BOF must be returned to the room’s original configuration. Failure to do so will result in the conference being charged.
Language Editing Assistance
ACM has partnered with International Science Editing (ISE) to provide language editing services to ACM authors. ISE offers a comprehensive range of services for authors including standard and premium English language editing, as well as illustration and translation services. Editing services are at author expense and do not guarantee publication of a manuscript.
Instructions for Reviewers
Reviewing Phase | Start Date | End Date |
Reviewing | Saturday,14 October 2023 | Sunday, 29 October 203 |
Discussion & Recommendations | Monday, 30 October 2023 | Friday, 3 November 2023 |
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Submission and Review System
- Dual-Anonymous Review Process
- Getting Started Reviewing
- BOF Review Guidlelines
- Discussion
- Recalcitrant Reviewers
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions provide an environment for colleagues with similar interests to meet for informal discussion. Proposers of BOF sessions should serve as discussion leaders only. BOFs are not intended to be presentations.
Submission and Review System
The review process for SIGCSE TS 2024 will be done using the EasyChair submission system ( Reviewers will be invited to join/login into EasyChair, update their profile, and select 3-5 topics that they are most qualified to review. To do so, reviewers select SIGCSE TS 2024 > Conference > My topics from the menu and select at most 5 topics. More topics make it harder for the EasyChair system to make a good set of matches. Reviewers also identify their Conflicts of Interest by selecting SIGCSE TS 2024 > Conference > My Conflicts.
Single-Anonymous Review Process
Submissions to the BOF track are reviewed with the single-anonymous review process. Submissions should include author names and affiliations. Thus, the author identities are known to reviewers, but reviewers are anonymous to each other and to the authors.
The reviewing process includes a discussion phase after initial reviews have been posted. During this time, the reviewers can examine all reviews and privately discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the work in an anonymous manner through EasyChair. Reviewers can refer to each other by their reviewer number on that submission’s review. This discussion information can be used by the track chairs in addition to the content of the review in making final acceptance decisions.
The SIGCSE TS 2024 review process does not have a rebuttal period for authors to respond to comments, and all acceptance decisions are final.
Getting Started Reviewing
Before starting your review, you may be asked by the Track Chairs to declare conflicts with any submitting authors. Please do so in a timely manner so we can avoid conflicts during the assignment of submissions.
As a Reviewer, we ask that you carefully read each submission assigned to you and write a constructive review that concisely summarizes what you believe the submission to be about. When reviewing a submission, consider:
- the strengths and weaknesses,
- the contribution to an outstanding SIGCSE TS 2024 program and experience for attendees, and
- how it brings new ideas or extends current ideas through replication to the field and to practitioners and researchers of computing education.
BOF Review Guidelines
In your review, you will be asked five questions.
Summary. Please provide a brief summary of the submission, its audience, and its main point(s).
Plans to facilitate active participation. How does the proposal indicate plans to facilitate active participation from attendees?
Plans to include attendees with diverse social identities and experiences. How does the proposal indicate what steps it will take to make the BoF session an inclusive space for all attendees including attendees that the authors did not expect?
Recommendation. Please provide a detailed justification that includes constructive feedback that summarizes the strengths & weaknesses of the submission and clarifies your scores. Both the score and the review text are required, but remember that the authors will not see the overall recommendation (only your review text). You should NOT directly include your preference for acceptance or rejection in your review.
Confidential remarks for the program committee. If you wish to add any remarks intended only for PC members please write them below. These remarks will only be seen by the PC members having access to reviews for this submission. They will not be sent to the authors. This field is optional.
We strongly recommend that you prepare your review in a separate document; EasyChair has been known to time out.
In your recommendation, please consider the following questions:
- How does the session strengthen an existing community or form a new community?
- How does the session benefit from the discussion-oriented birds of a feather format as opposed to a panel, special session, or paper presentation?
- How does the session provide an affinity space where all participants can share and learn from each other—not only from the discussion leaders?
While your review text should clearly support your scores and recommendation, please do not include your preference for acceptance or rejection of a submission in the feedback to the authors. Instead, use the provided radio buttons to make a recommendation (the authors will not see this) based on your summary review and provide any details that refer to your recommendation directly in the confidential comments to the APC or track chairs. Remember that as a reviewer, you will only see a small portion of the submissions, so one that you recommend for acceptance may be rejected when considering the other reviewer recommendations and the full set of submissions.
The discussion and recommendation period provides the opportunity for the Track Chairs to discuss reviews and feedback so they can provide the best recommendation for acceptance or rejection to the Program Chairs and that the submission is given full consideration in the review process. We ask that Reviewers engage in discussion when prompted by other reviewers and the Track Chairs by using the Comments feature of EasyChair. During this period you will be able to revise your review based on the discussion, but you are not required to do so.
The Track Chairs will make a final recommendation to the Program Chairs from your feedback.
Recalcitrant Reviewers
Reviewers who don’t submit reviews, have reviews with limited constructive feedback, do not engage effectively in the discussion phase or submit inappropriate reviews will be removed from the reviewer list (as per SIGCSE policy). Recalcitrant reviewers will be informed of their removal from the reviewer list. Reviewers with repeated offenses (two within a three year period) will be removed from SIGCSE reviewing for three years.
Review Form
The text of review form as of 1 July 2023 follows. It may change slightly as we get closer to the submission deadline.
Summary: Please provide a brief summary of the submission, its audience, and its main point(s).
Familiarity: Rate your personal familiarity with the topic area of this submission in relation to your research or practical experience.
Plans to Facilitate Active Participation: Please assess the plans to facilitate active participation. Please provide constructive feedback, particularly if you have concerns about the appropriateness of plans.
Plans to include attendees with diverse social identities and experiences: Please assess the steps and structures in the proposal to make the BoF session an inclusive space for all attendees, including attendees that the authors did not expect. Please provide constructive feedback, particularly if you have concerns about the appropriateness of plans.
Overall evaluation: Please provide a detailed justification that includes constructive feedback that summarizes the strengths & weaknesses of the submission and clarifies your scores. Both the score and the review text are required, but remember that the authors will not see the overall recommendation score (only your review text). You should NOT directly include your preference for acceptance or rejection in your review.