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Thu 21 Mar 2024 15:00 - 15:45 at Exhibit Hall E - Demos - Demos

EdBoard is an educational breadboard designed to facilitate early learning of physical computing in children. We designed EdBoard’s curriculum based on constructionist pedagogy, and our goal is to create an engaging and interactive learning environment for children. The EdBoard curriculum comprises three components: story booklets, circuit cards, and paper builders. These elements together foster an engaging and interactive learning experience for children. These booklets provide children with a narrative context that encourages pretend play. Circuit cards can be inserted into the EdBoard, helping children understand the positions of different components within the circuit. Paper builders empower children to create functional and interactive artifacts without the EdBoard. These hands-on activities reinforce children’s understanding of physical computing concepts. During the demo, we will guide the audience through the EdBoard’s curriculum design, providing insights into how these elements come together to facilitate learning. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience EdBoard as an educational tool. Furthermore, we invite open discussions on the potential of the EdBoard platform to enhance K-12 computer science education. We believe that EdBoard could play an important role in making computer science education more accessible and engaging for children.

Thu 21 Mar

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15:00 - 15:45
Demo 2A: Teaching CS50 with AI: Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science EducationCC
Rongxin Liu Harvard University, Carter Zenke Harvard University, Charlie Liu Yale University, Andrew Holmes Harvard University, Patrick Thornton Harvard University, David J. Malan Harvard University
Demo 2B: Google Colab for teaching CS and ML
Corrie Scalisi Google, Katlyn Edwards Google, Julianne DeMars-Smith Google, USA, Key Lee Google, USA
Demo 2C: Let’s Build a Traffic Light: Teaching Physical Computing to Children with EdBoard
Ruhan Yang ATLAS Institute, University of Colorado Boulder, Ellen Do ATLAS Institute, University of Colorado Boulder