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Sat 23 Mar 2024 15:30 - 18:30 at Meeting Room D136 - Workshop

In the post-pandemic era, instructional videos have gained immense popularity among Computer Science students and instructors. In multiple surveys conducted, over 73% of students prefer a video library curated by their instructor, instead of finding unvetted videos on YouTube to clarify a topic. This sentiment that persisted even upon returning to in-person learning. With generative AI systems on the rise, there’s a revolution in video instruction. For instructors, generative AI can create slides, scripts, and assist in producing high-quality videos enriched with deep search, quizzes, and interactive sessions.

Generative AI also elevates the video learning experience. Students can obtain AI-generated video summaries, ask questions, delve deeper into topics, and explore practical applications. With the AI-enhanced platform, the traditional scope of video-based learning can be greatly expanded. This workshop demonstrates how educators can incorporate AI-augmented videos to optimize and gauge student engagement. Employing dynamic dashboards, scheduled content, and gamified questions, instructors can maintain students’ focus.

Drawing on insights from Princeton and Rutgers Universities’ Computer Science courses, we’ll spotlight the transformative power of AI-assisted video methods in fostering active learning, especially in sizable classes. Engagement strategies and real-time data visualization suitable for any video platform will be discussed. We’ll use the platform, a Princeton University initiative designed to amplify CS course impacts. This platform is freely available to attendees. Participants are encouraged to bring video playlists to curate them into AI integrated curated video collections that can be used as supplemental content to transform student experience using integrated generative AI.

Sat 23 Mar

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15:30 - 18:30
Workshop 407: AI Enhanced Learning: Powering Curated Videos with Generative Intelligence.
Ananda Gunawardena Rutgers University, Princeton University, Naina Chaturvedi Rutgers University