Registered user since Sun 8 Aug 2021
My name is Adam Blank, and I am a Teaching Professor in the Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Caltech.
I am non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them. I am neurodivergent and queer. I have generalized anxiety disorder and clinical depression.
I am interested in the teaching and practice of Computer Science. My teaching drives everything that I do, and I love to try new techniques to help students learn in my courses. My research involves using technology, human computation, and collaboration to improve the way that we teach computer scientists at the collegiate level to everyone. I am also interested in broadening participation in computing; I care deeply that diverse humans feel welcome and included.
- Birds of Feather Co-Chair (bofs@sigcse2024.sigcse.org) in Track Chairs within the Birds of a Feather-track
- Birds of Feather Co-Chair (bofs@sigcse2024.sigcse.org) in Program Committee
- Microteaching: Binary Heaps, Side-Channel Attacks, Equitable Grading, Java Classes, Loops, and 3D Java
- Web and Data Co-Chair (webteam@sigcse2024.sigcse.org) in Organizing Committee
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