Registered user since Fri 20 Oct 2023
Corrina Perrone Smith is Product Manager for AgentSheets, Inc. She creates CS tutorials/curricula for upper elementary and middle school teacher professional development and student instruction. She conducts teacher and student usability testing, contributes to the design, and manages the AgentCubes product. Her background is in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science research with an emphasis on Educational Software. She was one of the first to connect educational software to the internet with WebQuest, an AgentSheets application for which she won a Gold Medal from the Mayor of Paris, France at WWW5 for “Best Paper/Best Application of the WWW to Education.” Her research has involved many pioneering meta-programming applications, including for Analogous Programming, Decision Support for Large Databases, Artificial Intelligence for Command, Control, Simulation, and Diagnostics for spacecraft, and automatic LAN diagnostics and configuration repair. She created WebQuest at the University of Colorado, Boulder and taught both teachers and students to use AgentSheets and AgentCubes, and has collaborated with Dr. Alexander Repenning on the SGD project, the largest NSF evaluation of CS education with over 6000 students.
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