Registered user since Thu 14 Dec 2023
Dr. Hanieh Shabanian is currently a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Western New England University. She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Memphis with a prior undergraduate degree in Software Engineering. She enjoys teaching computer science courses, including data structures and algorithms, image processing, and artificial intelligence. Her research interest and expertise are at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. During her past research in Computational Imaging Research Laboratory and Computational Ocularscience Laboratory, in addition to solving stereo matching problems and 3D reconstruction using recent computer vision and statistical learning techniques including probabilistic graphical models; she has been working on imaging and analysis of ocular structures including cornea and retina of the eye to obtain dense 3D point cloud, facilitating detection of Glaucoma eye disease.
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