Registered user since Wed 13 Jul 2022
This year, my invited talk series An Invitation to Reimagine will argue how we should teach students not only how to answer questions, but also what questions to ask. This work will be presented to the UW CSE faculty, the broader UW faculty through the 2024 Teaching & Learning Symposium, and as a lightning talk in the 3C Fellows Spotlight. Contact me at kevinl@cs.uw.edu to arrange a talk.
Kevin Lin (he/him) is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. He leads instructional innovation in data programming and data structures with a focus on empowering students to redesign computing problems and artifacts. Kevin received his MS in Computer Science from UC Berkeley, where he coordinated the teaching and delivery of very large-scale undergraduate CS courses to over 1,000 students per semester.
- "It Can Relate to Real Lives'': Attitudes and Expectations in Justice-Centered Data Structures & Algorithms for Non-Majors
- Session Chair of Equitable Grading (part of Papers)
- Birds of Feather Co-Chair (bofs@sigcse2024.sigcse.org) in Program Committee
- Birds of Feather Co-Chair (bofs@sigcse2024.sigcse.org) in Track Chairs within the Birds of a Feather-track
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