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Thu 21 Mar 2024 14:35 - 15:00 at Meeting Rooms C120-122 - Interventions Chair(s): Megean Garvin

We propose and carry-out a novel method of formative assessment called Assessment via Teaching (AVT), in which learners demonstrate their understanding of CS1 topics by tutoring more novice students. AVT has powerful benefits over traditional forms of assessment: it is centered around service to others and is highly rewarding for the learners who teach. Moreover, teaching greatly improves the learners’ own understanding of the material and has a huge positive impact on novices, who receive free 1:1 tutoring. Lastly, this form of assessment is naturally difficult to cheat—a critical property for assessments in the era of large-language models.

We use AVT in a randomised control trial with learners in a CS1 course at an R1 university. The learners provide tutoring sessions to more novice students taking a lagged online version of the same course. We show that learners who do an AVT session before the course exam performed 20 to 30 percentage points better than the class average on several questions. Moreover, compared to students who did a practice exam, the AVT learners enjoyed their experience more and were twice as likely to study for their teaching session. We believe AVT is a scalable and uplifting method for formative assessment that could one day replace traditional exams.

Thu 21 Mar

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13:45 - 15:00
InterventionsPapers at Meeting Rooms C120-122
Chair(s): Megean Garvin UMBC
ClearMind Workshop: An ACT-based Intervention Tailored for Academic Procrastination among Computing Students
Yunyi She University of California, San Diego, Korena Klimczak Utah State University, Michael Levin Utah State University, Soohyun Liao University of California in San Diego
Procrastination vs. Active Delay: How Students Prepare to Code in Introductory Programming
Elizabeth B. Cloude University of Pennsylvania, Jiayi Zhang University Pennsylvania, Ryan Baker University of Pennsylvania, Eric Fouh University of Pennsylvania
Learners Teaching Novices: An Uplifting Alternative AssessmentGlobal
Ali Malik Stanford University, Juliette Woodrow Stanford University, Chris Piech Stanford University