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Thu 21 Mar 2024 14:35 - 15:00 at Meeting Rooms B117-119 - Software Engineering Chair(s): Hanieh Shabanian

Refactoring is the practice of improving software quality without altering its external behavior. Developers intuitively refactor their code for multiple purposes such as improving program comprehension, reducing code complexity, dealing with technical debt, and removing code smells. However, no prior studies have exposed the students to an experience of the process of code smell detection and refactoring correction, and provided students with toolset to practice it. To understand and increase the awareness of refactoring concepts, in this paper, we aim to reflect on our experience with teaching refactoring and how it helps students become more aware of bad programming practices and the importance of correcting them via refactoring. This paper discusses the results of an experiment in the classroom that involved carrying out various refactoring activities for the purpose of removing code smells using JDeodorant, an Eclipse plugin that supports code smells detection and refactoring. The results of the qualitative analysis with 171 students show that students tend to appreciate the idea of learning refactoring and are satisfied with various aspects of the JDeodorant plugin’s operation. Through this experiment, refactoring can turn into a vital part of the computing educational plan. We envision our findings enabling educators to support students with refactoring tools tuned towards safer and trustworthy refactoring.

Thu 21 Mar

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13:45 - 15:00
Software EngineeringPapers at Meeting Rooms B117-119
Chair(s): Hanieh Shabanian Western New England University
Taxonomy-Based Human Error Assessment for Senior Software Engineering Students
Benjamin S. Meyers Rochester Institute of Technology, Andrew Meneely Rochester Institute of Technology
``Working with Large Code Bases:'' A Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach to Teaching Software Engineering
Anshul Shah University of California, San Diego, Jerry Yu University of California, San Diego, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj University of California, San Diego
Automating Source Code Refactoring in the ClassroomERT Best PaperGlobal
Eman Abdullah AlOmar Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer University of Michigan - Flint, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec