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Thu 21 Mar 2024 16:10 - 16:35 at Meeting Room D136 - Communication & Help in Large Courses Chair(s): Sara Hooshangi

In a large CS class, it’s likely that most students will never speak with the instructor. This presents challenges in terms of student engagement. As class time is limited for building rapport, out-of-class interventions are recommended, such as meeting with students in small groups to discuss non-class topics. If an instructor is to meet with all the students, how can the benefits be maximized while mitigating impacts on the instructor’s time and students’ access to help? What should be discussed? And how beneficial are such meetings, given that they will have to be short? This paper introduces Meet the Professor (MTP), a course element designed with these issues in mind. MTP was deployed in three sections of an upper-division course at a research-intensive North American university. In end-of-course surveys, students overwhelmingly reported appreciation for meeting with the instructor. The open-ended responses reveals a host of reasons for this appreciation, most notably finding instructors to be more approachable than previously thought. Students did not find that MTP interfered with other learning opportunities. Recommendations are provided for managing the instructor’s time and maximizing the value of the intervention.

Thu 21 Mar

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15:45 - 17:00
Communication & Help in Large CoursesPapers at Meeting Room D136
Chair(s): Sara Hooshangi Virginia Tech
HelpMe: Student Help Seeking using Office Hours and Email
Kevin Shukang Wang The University of British Columbia, Ramon Lawrence The University of British Columbia
Experience Report: Meet the Professor - A Large-Course Intervention for Increasing Rapport
William Griswold UC San Diego
Student Interaction with Instructor Emails in Introductory and Upper-Year Computing CoursesGlobal
Angela Zavaleta Bernuy University of Toronto, Runlong Ye University of Toronto, Naaz Sibia University of Toronto Mississauga, Rohita Nalluri University of Toronto Scarborough, Joseph Jay Williams University of Toronto, Andrew Petersen University of Toronto, Eric Smith University of Texas at Austin, Bogdan Simion University of Toronto Mississauga, Michael Liut University of Toronto Mississauga