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Fri 22 Mar 2024 11:17 - 11:27 at Meeting Rooms B115-116 - Lightning Talks 2 Chair(s): Eric Fouh, Lisa Lacher

Static analysis tools are frequently used to scan the source code and detect deviations from the project coding guidelines. Yet, their adoption is challenged by their high false positive rate, which makes them not suitable for students and novice developers. However, Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have gained widespread popularity and usage in various software engineering tasks, including testing, code review, and program comprehension. Such models represent an opportunity to reduce the ambiguity of static analysis tools and support their adoption. Yet, the effectiveness of using static analysis (i.e., PMD) to detect coding issues, and relying on LLMs (i.e., ChatGPT) to explain and recommend fix, has not yet been explored. In this talk, we aim to shed light on our experience in teaching the use of ChatGPT to cultivate a bugfix culture and leverage LLMs to improve software quality in educational settings. We share our findings to support educators in teaching students better code review strategies, and to increase students’ awareness about LLM and promote software quality in education.

Fri 22 Mar

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10:45 - 12:00
Lightning Talks 2Lightning Talks at Meeting Rooms B115-116
Chair(s): Eric Fouh University of Pennsylvania, Lisa Lacher University of Houston-Clear Lake
A Comparative Study on Student and Faculty Perceptions of Online Computing Labs
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Yunfei Hou California State University, San Bernardino, Miranda McIntyre California State University, San Bernardino, Jesus Herrera California State University, San Bernardino, Joyce Fu University of California, Riverside, Hani Aldirawi California State University, San Bernardino
Active Learning at Large-Scale: Using Video Tutorials to Learn by Teaching
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Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García Georgia Institute of Technology, Nimisha Roy Georgia Institute of Technology
Develop Innovative Virtual Reality Interaction Designs for the Learning of Computer Science Concepts and Theories
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Chunming Gao Central Washington University
How can we leverage Static Analysis and Large Language Models to Engage Students in Software Quality Improvement
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Eman Abdullah AlOmar Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer University of Michigan - Flint
Moving forward with LogicWriterActual, a web app for early undergraduate writing with mathematical logic
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Bruce Char Drexel University, Jeremy Johnson Drexel University, USA, Steve Earth Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
The Role of Probing and Clarifying Questions for Teaching Fellows in Computer Science: Guiding Student Growth
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Yuliia Zhukovets Harvard University, Carter Zenke Harvard University, David J. Malan Harvard University
Using Natural Language Processing to Explore Instructional Change Strategies in Undergraduate Science Education Literature
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Emily Bolger Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Marcos Caballero Michigan State University