Understanding support needs in computer science labs
In undergraduate computer science labs, ineffective collaboration and support pose challenges to comprehensive learning. The purpose of the classes is for students to be able to get real-time support as they learn to apply class concepts. Instructors and lab assistants are often left to monitor the classroom and provide support with limited time or awareness of student activities, which is exacerbated if the class takes place remotely. Recently, orchestration systems have been used to address these issues but are limitedly applied to computer science. In this research, I conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with students, lab assistants, and instructors to develop a holistic understanding of challenges and potential enhancements in computer science labs, whether they take place face-to-face or remotely, to understand what effective support may look like. Using a thematic analysis of these interviews, I found that more awareness is needed around student impasses and more efficient procedures for providing feedback. Additionally, I found that the lab classes are a way to build a sense of community by enhancing engagement and encouraging active participation. These results support previous orchestration research findings and expand my understanding of how to design computer science lab support.