| 10:00 - 12:00 | |
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| Talk | | Dynamic, Animated Feedback for Randomized Problems with Computer-Based Testing Posters |
| Talk | | Data Science Mastery Learning using Parsons Problems-Inspired Table Transformations Posters |
| Talk | | Mastery with Method: Calibrating Policies to Boost Completion and Sentiment in a Computing Course using Mastery Learning Posters |
| Talk | | Elevating Learning Experiences: Leveraging Large Language Models as Student-Facing Assistants in Discussion Forums Posters |
| Talk | | A game to share the story of LGBTQ+ pioneers and influential computer scientists Posters |
| Talk | | Perception, Trust, Attitudes, and Models: Introducing Children to AI and Machine Learning with Five Software Exhibits Posters |
| Talk | | Hiring, Training, and Managing Undergraduate Teaching Assistants for Large CS1 Classes Posters |
| Talk | | Analyzing Student Performance with Free Late Submission Days Posters |
| Talk | | DCC Sidekick: Helping Novices Solve Programming Errors Through a Conversational Explanation Interface Posters |
| Talk | | Pair Programming with ChatGPT Posters |
| Talk | | Developing Computational Thinking in Middle School Music Technology ClassroomsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Guided Undergraduate Training for Shark Segmentation (GUTSS) Posters |
| Talk | | Creation of a CS1 Course with Modern C++ Principles Posters |
| Talk | | Facilitating Teens as Ethical Sensemakers of Technology Posters |
| Talk | | Interactive Learning Modules for Fostering Secure Coding Proficiency in Introductory Programming Courses Posters |
| Talk | | Considerations for Improving Comprehensive Undergraduate Computing Ethics Education Posters |
| Talk | | Assessment-via-Teaching: Exploring an Alternative Assessment Strategy in Undergraduate Introductory Data Science Course Posters |
| Talk | | CAET: Code Analysis and Education Tutor Posters |
| Talk | | Alternative Evaluation in CS Education Research: A Systematic Literature MapGlobal Posters |
| Talk | | The Current Research Landscape of Computing Education in Elementary Settings: A Systematic Literature Review Posters |
| Poster | | A Family of Instruments to Measure Data Science Attitudes Posters |
| Talk | | Measuring CS Student Attitudes Toward Large Language Models Posters |
| Talk | | Becoming Core: Curriculum Planning Tools for Integrating CS into K-5 Content Areas Posters |
| Talk | | Programming Plagiarism Detection with Learner Data Posters |
| Talk | | Computer Science Curriculum Trends Posters |
| Talk | | Building Awareness of Computational Thinking Pathways across a Large School DistrictK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Building a Mixed-format Computer Science Assessment for Middle SchoolK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Sokoban: an Assignment for an Object-Oriented and GUI Programming Course Posters |
| Talk | | Student Perceptions of Authentic Learning to Learn White-box Testing Posters |
| Talk | | Novices' Perceptions of Web-Search and AI for Programming Posters |
| Talk | | Unintentional Barriers for AP Computer Science Principles: A Course Designed for Every Student Posters |
| Poster | | A generalized framework for describing question randomization Posters |
| Talk | | Data for Healthy Communities: A Public Interest Pilot Course Designed to Develop K-12 Data Literacy Posters |
| Talk | | Supporting Teacher Understanding of Computational Thinking Integration into Early Elementary Curricula Posters |
| Talk | | Math IDE: A Platform for Creating with Math Posters |
| Talk | | Python Programming Education with Semantics-oriented Screen Reading for K-12 Students with Vision Impairments Posters |
| Talk | | Evolution of an integrated, elementary CSforAll curriculum Posters |
| Talk | | ThemeRec: Personalizing IDE Themes for Students Posters |
| Talk | | Scaffolded Projects for the Social Good: A Strategy for Deploying Studio Model in CS Education Posters |
| Talk | | Exploring Student Misconceptions about Concurrency Using the Domain-Specific Programing Language "Sonic Pi" Posters |