Learning computer architecture and low-level programming is a complex challenge for beginners. We introduce Roro8, an 8-bit fantasy computer system designed to simplify the learning process while closely mirroring real-world computer systems. Roro8 comprises an 8-bit microprocessor (RX8), memory-mapped I/O, external peripherals, and an external display (RD6448). This unique feature enables students to become familiar with datasheets of devices, a fundamental aspect of hardware programming. The core pedagogical goal is to have students implement an emulators, simulators, assemblers, and compilers, providing a hands-on learning experience. They can create games or see their own programs running on the display, making abstract concepts tangible and engaging. Our work addresses the challenge of teaching computer architecture by offering a novel solution. Unlike conventional system-on-chip designs, Roro8 simplifies the learning process while emphasizing practical engagement. This paper outlines the problem, reviews related work, introduces Roro8, and underscores the significance of our approach in enhancing computer science education.
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