The rise in multiprocessors has led to the incorporation of parallel processing in virtually all segments of industry. Creation of and maintenance for the software to run these systems, as well as for the applications using these systems, requires extensive knowledge of the concepts and skills of parallel and distributed computing (PDC). This will naturally lead to an increase in the demand for software developers familiar with PDC and an increase in the demand for universities to incorporate PDC concepts into all levels of their curricula including introductory courses. Because there are real and perceived difficulties in teaching PDC concepts, particularly early in the CS curriculum there is a need to produce educational materials to assist with this expansion. At the same time CS education is wrestling with the surge in the need for graduates with PDC skills, it is also attempting to overcome a gender imbalance in CS. The necessity to create the materials required for increasing PDC education provides an opportunity to make strides in increasing gender diversity in CS as well. Therefore, Parallel Islands was created as a tool to aid in introducing PDC concepts in introductory CS courses in a manner that appeals to all gender identities. It is a web-based educational video game; along with the associated pre- and post-gameplay introductory, review and discussion sections, that is designed to be used by students autonomously or with instructor oversight.