Best practices in programming need to be emphasized in a CS1 course as bad student habits persist if not reinforced well. The C++ programming language, although a relatively old language, has been regularly updated with new versions since 2011, on the pace of once every three years. Each new version contains important features that make the C++ more complex for backwards compatibility, but often introduce new features to make common use cases simpler to implement. This poster contains experiences in designing a CS1 course that uses the C++ programming language that incorporates “modern” versions of the language from the start, as well as recent conferences about the language. Our goals were to prevent many common bad habits among C++ programmers.
Thu 21 MarDisplayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change
10:00 - 12:00 | Posters 1Posters at Exhibit Hall E - Posters Chair(s): Meghan Allen University of British Columbia, Ashish Aggarwal University of Florida | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Dynamic, Animated Feedback for Randomized Problems with Computer-Based Testing Posters | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Data Science Mastery Learning using Parsons Problems-Inspired Table Transformations Posters Jacob Seungwon Choe UC Berkeley, Matthew Lee UC Berkeley, Siddharth Marathe UC Berkeley, Armando Fox UC Berkeley, Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Narges Norouzi University of California, Berkeley | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Mastery with Method: Calibrating Policies to Boost Completion and Sentiment in a Computing Course using Mastery Learning Posters Vedansh 'Zayn' Malhotra University of California, Berkeley, Jenny Mendez University of California, Berkeley, Dan Garcia UC Berkeley | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Elevating Learning Experiences: Leveraging Large Language Models as Student-Facing Assistants in Discussion Forums Posters Chancharik Mitra University of California, Berkeley, Mihran Miroyan UC Berkeley, Rishi Jain UC Berkeley, Vedant Kumud UC Berkeley, Gireeja Ranade UC Berkeley, Narges Norouzi University of California, Berkeley | ||
10:00 2hTalk | A game to share the story of LGBTQ+ pioneers and influential computer scientists Posters Karina Mochetti UBC | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Perception, Trust, Attitudes, and Models: Introducing Children to AI and Machine Learning with Five Software Exhibits Posters Fred Martin University of Texas at San Antonio, Saniya Vahedian Movahed University of Texas at San Antonio, James Dimino University of Massachusetts Lowell, Andrew Farrell University of Massachusetts Lowell, Elyas Irankhah University of Massachusetts Lowell, Srija Ghosh University of Massachusetts Lowell, Garima Jain University of Massachusetts Lowell, Vaishali Mahipal University of Massachusetts Lowell, Pranathi Rayavaram University of Massachusetts Lowell, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi University of Eastern Finland, Erika Salas University of Massachusetts Lowell, Kelilah Wolkowicz University of Massachusetts Lowell, Sashank Narain University of Massachusetts Lowell | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Hiring, Training, and Managing Undergraduate Teaching Assistants for Large CS1 Classes Posters Megan Englert University of Colorado Boulder, Lecia Barker University of Colorado Boulder, Austin Cory Bart University of Delaware, USA | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Analyzing Student Performance with Free Late Submission Days Posters John R. Hott University of Virginia | ||
10:00 2hTalk | DCC Sidekick: Helping Novices Solve Programming Errors Through a Conversational Explanation Interface Posters Lorenzo Lee Solano University of New South Wales, Sydney, Jake Renzella University of New South Wales, Sydney, Alexandra Vassar University of New South Wales, Sydney | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Pair Programming with ChatGPT Posters | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Developing Computational Thinking in Middle School Music Technology ClassroomsK12 Posters Lauren McCall Georgia Institute of Technology, Brittney Allen Georgia Institute of Technology, Jason Freeman Georgia Institute of Technology, Stephen Garrett Georgia Institute of Technology | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Guided Undergraduate Training for Shark Segmentation (GUTSS) Posters Amy Wu University of Florida, Morgan Cobb University of Florida, Victor Perez St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Christan Grant University of Florida, Jeremy A. Magruder Waisome University of Florida | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Creation of a CS1 Course with Modern C++ Principles Posters Ryan Dougherty United States Military Academy | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Facilitating Teens as Ethical Sensemakers of Technology Posters Rotem Landesman University of Washington, Jean Salac University of Washington, Seattle, Amy Ko University of Washington | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Interactive Learning Modules for Fostering Secure Coding Proficiency in Introductory Programming Courses Posters Guangming Xing Western Kentucky University, Gongbo Liang Texas A & M University - San Antonio, Tawfiq Salem Purdue University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Considerations for Improving Comprehensive Undergraduate Computing Ethics Education Posters Grace Barkhuff Georgia Institute of Technology, Jason Borenstein Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Schiff Purdue University, Judith Uchidiuno Georgia Institute of Technology, Ellen Zegura Georgia Institute of Technology | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Assessment-via-Teaching: Exploring an Alternative Assessment Strategy in Undergraduate Introductory Data Science Course Posters Lujie Karen Chen University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Justin Thai University of Maryland, Baltimore County | ||
10:00 2hTalk | CAET: Code Analysis and Education Tutor Posters Colin Glynn College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Emily Hed College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Abbigail Pexa College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Tyler Pohlmann College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Imad Rahal College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Robert Hesse College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Alternative Evaluation in CS Education Research: A Systematic Literature MapGlobal Posters Brian Harrington University of Toronto Scarborough, Thezyrie Amarouche University of Toronto Scarborough, Andrew Aucie University of Toronto Scarborough, Shreeansha Bhattarai University of Toronto Scarborough, Yuxin Chen University of Toronto Scarborough, Raha Gharadaghi University of Toronto Scarborough, Kaiyi Huang University of Toronto Scarborough, Jenna Jiang University of Toronto Scarborough, Linda Lo University of Toronto Scarborough, Maliha Lodi University of Toronto Scarborough, Rohita Nalluri University of Toronto Scarborough, Fawaz Omidiya University of Toronto Scarborough, Anagha Vadarevu University of Toronto Scarborough | ||
10:00 2hTalk | The Current Research Landscape of Computing Education in Elementary Settings: A Systematic Literature Review Posters Ruohan Liu University of Virginia | ||
10:00 2hPoster | A Family of Instruments to Measure Data Science Attitudes Posters April Kerby-Helm Winona State University, Michael Posner Villanova University, Alana Unfried California State University, Monterey Bay, Douglas Whitaker Mount Saint Vincent University, Marjorie Bond Monmouth College (Illinois), Leyla Batakci Elizabethtown College | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Measuring CS Student Attitudes Toward Large Language Models Posters Jason Weber University of California, Irvine, Barbara Martinez Neda University of California, Irvine, Kitana Carbajal Juarez University of California, Irvine, Jennifer Wong-Ma University of California, Irvine, Sergio Gago-Masague University of California, Irvine, Hadar Ziv University of California, Irvine | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Becoming Core: Curriculum Planning Tools for Integrating CS into K-5 Content Areas Posters | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Programming Plagiarism Detection with Learner Data Posters Yifan Song University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Yuanxin Wang Carnegie Mellon University, Christopher Bogart Carnegie Mellon University, Marshall An Carnegie Mellon University, Majd Sakr Carnegie Mellon University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Computer Science Curriculum Trends Posters Sean Mackay University at Buffalo, the State University of New York at Buffalo, Adrienne Decker University at Buffalo | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Building Awareness of Computational Thinking Pathways across a Large School DistrictK12 Posters Alessandra Rangel Digital Promise, Merijke Coenraad Digital Promise, Pati Ruiz Digital Promise, Kyle Dunbar Digital Promise Global, Lisa Milenkovic Broward County Public Schools, Sheryl Arriola Broward County Public Schools, Annmargareth Marousky Broward County Public Schools | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Building a Mixed-format Computer Science Assessment for Middle SchoolK12 Posters Jennifer Houchins WestEd, Kim Luttgen WestEd, Rosalind Owen WestEd, Lydia Martinez Rivera WestEd, Matt Silberglitt WestEd, Yvonne Kao WestEd | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Sokoban: an Assignment for an Object-Oriented and GUI Programming Course Posters João Paulo Barros Polytechnic Institute of Beja | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Student Perceptions of Authentic Learning to Learn White-box Testing Posters Akond Rahman Auburn University, Yue Zhang Auburn University, Fan Wu Tuskegee University, Hossain Shahriar University of West Florida | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Novices' Perceptions of Web-Search and AI for Programming Posters James Skripchuk North Carolina State University, John Bacher North Carolina State University, Yang Shi North Carolina State University, Keith Tran North Carolina State University, Thomas Price North Carolina State University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Unintentional Barriers for AP Computer Science Principles: A Course Designed for Every Student Posters Emma McDaniel Georgia State University, Aaja Christie Georgia State University, Anu Bourgeois Georgia State University | ||
10:00 2hPoster | A generalized framework for describing question randomization Posters Romina Mahinpei University of British Columbia, Iris Xu University of British Columbia, Steve Wolfman University of British Columbia, Firas Moosvi University of British Columbia Okanagan | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Data for Healthy Communities: A Public Interest Pilot Course Designed to Develop K-12 Data Literacy Posters Emily Nutwell The Ohio State University, Kelsey Badger The Ohio State University, Jessica Kulp The Ohio State University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Supporting Teacher Understanding of Computational Thinking Integration into Early Elementary Curricula Posters Heather Sherwood Education Development Center, Alice Kaiser Education Development Center, Camille Ferguson Education Development Center, Anthony Negron New York Hall of Science, Ray Ferrer New York Hall of Science, Don LaBonte Participate | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Math IDE: A Platform for Creating with Math Posters Sierra Wang Stanford University, John C. Mitchell Stanford University, Nick Haber Stanford University, Chris Piech Stanford University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Python Programming Education with Semantics-oriented Screen Reading for K-12 Students with Vision Impairments Posters God'Salvation Oguibe The University of Texas at San Antonio, Lauryn Castro The University of Texas at San Antonio, Katherine Cantrell The University of Texas at San Antonio, Kathy Ewoldt The University of Texas at San Antonio, Leslie Neely The University of Texas at San Antonio, Wei Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Evolution of an integrated, elementary CSforAll curriculum Posters W. Richards Adrion Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Emrah Pektas College of Education, University of Amherst of Massachusetts Amherst | ||
10:00 2hTalk | ThemeRec: Personalizing IDE Themes for Students Posters Jialiang Tan Lehigh University, Yu Chen William and Mary, Shuyin Jiao North Carolina State University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Scaffolded Projects for the Social Good: A Strategy for Deploying Studio Model in CS Education Posters Stan Kurkovsky Central Connecticut State University, Mikey Goldweber Denison University, Nathan Sommer Xavier University, Chad Williams Central Connecticut State University | ||
10:00 2hTalk | Exploring Student Misconceptions about Concurrency Using the Domain-Specific Programing Language "Sonic Pi" Posters Giorgio Delzanno DIBRIS, University of Genova, Giovanna Guerrini DIBRIS- University of Genova, Daniele Traversaro Università degli Studi di Genova |