CT Readiness for All: Studying a Framework for Supporting Schoolwide Computational Thinking Integration Across Elementary Curricula K12
Schools throughout the United States are engaging in efforts to integrate computational thinking (CT) across various elementary curricula. However, there is very little guidance for effective approaches to integrating CT consistently and cohesively school wide. CT Readiness for All is a two-year research project that is investigating a CT Framework and self-assessment tool developed to articulate indicators associated with successful school-wide integration across elementary curricula. Data sources include focus group interviews and surveys with teachers. Although the project is still in progress, early analysis have resulted in three key findings: (a) students were able to make cross-curricular connections using CT as a problem-solving process; (b) finding time within the school day to focus on CT is challenging; and (c) administrators need to take an active role in setting the vision and definition of CT to support school-wide CT efforts